VOLUME IX – Digitally Volunteering
To Appear in The Central Record
Dear South Jersey,
I’d first like to extend my sincerest apologies for the lack of activity on The Do-Gooder’s Diary for the month of March. With an increased volume of writing and the volunteering project that I’ve been working on, it has been tough to me to work my way around to the blog.
What I will say to you, oh loyal fans, is that this will certainly not be a growing trend as my volunteerism increases (which I’m happy to say it will be for the month of April!).
With all of that said, I can happily say that I’ve been having lots of fun with my current project at the Medford Arts Center. As you’ve noticed through these nine blogs, my adventures of spanned through a few venues, including the MAC, YMCA Camp Ockanickon and the United Way. However, much of my initial work has been with the MAC.
Tracey Femiano of the MAC gave me a little internet/press marketing project to work on for them, and despite my newness to the internet marketing game, I took the project on with a full head of steam and have completed my tasks thus far.
I must say that being able to learn the ropes of internet marking and harnessing my already “decent” powers in social media has been quite refreshing.
You see, South Jersey, with these acts and more, I am able to add a few chapters of knowledge, excitement, happiness, experience and capability to the Kevin Haslam Book of Life (and it’s not so bad for the resume, too!).
So, I encourage you to keep an eye out on the websites and on the pages of the Burlington County Times, the Courier Post and the Philadelphia Inquirer for up-to-date events that are occurring at the Medford Arts Center.
I encourage you to “follow” the MAC on Twitter @medfordarts, and “Like” us on Facebook: Medford Arts Center.
And keep on following The Do-Gooder’s Diary as I continue my journey into the world of South Jersey volunteerism. In April, I’ve got definite plans of putting in some manual labor at YMCA Camp Ockanickon, and I will be opening up communication with the Yellow Ribbon Club and Woodford Cedar Run Wildlife Reserve.
It surely has been a pleasure working on my first volunteering project! I’ve made a few new friends, and gained a little bit as a human being, too. Don’t hesitate to inquire about what you can do at the Medford Arts Center, art enthusiasts! www.artsinmedford.org
Kevin Haslam